Friday, July 02, 2010

Capital M to Z with a funky monkey

I managed to get my hands on four 6x7 foot canvas' and decided to have some friends over to paint, laugh and have a good time, the result is this, Taken did the "funky monkey", Gone did Calvin and Hobbes, and I did Mazinger Z.

Gone did his with just a marker, while me and Taken decided to do the whole thing with spray paint. I quite like the end result, I hope I can pull this off more often. Two of the canvas' are going to the show where my other canvas' are.

I'll get pics as soon as possible. It keeps on being, but it happens when it doesn't depend entirely on you.

peace, enjoy!


  1. Since when did you get so precise with a can??? Dirty, dirty little mf. I wanna see you play around with some portraiture stuff...I feel as if you could do some cool things...

    Btw - Props to your boy Gone with the Calvin and Hobbes concept, ill.

  2. Well, considering its been 10 years already since I first picked up a can...thank god I've gotten a little bit better hahaha

    thanks man, really does mean a lot to hear that you like my work.
