Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guestbook vol.1 Blackbook Nº ??

A writers most prized possession is his black book. The first black book I ever got was a gift from my great friend ASE 312 which I treasure enormously. If you look at it now, all you will see is a battered, beat up old book. But it is full of my first sketches, first acquaintances and a few lines ASE personally dropped.

Since then, I have gone through six or seven black books easily. I stock up on them and start tearing through them whenever I have time. In many of them I have tags from people I have met all over the world (Spain, France, Belgium, USA, Germany, Brazil...) so I decided that these people needed their own book, their own place to write their name and not get mixed up with my stuff.

I started the "guestbook"... and looks like its coming along pretty well..

My man "CE" holding down UK Clan...


Rounds UK Clan

CE again

The infamous AuksOne holding down the X-Men crew. (This guy just threw up an impressive mural at Check the flics out at:

Who would have said that I'd find a fellow Spaniard painting at 5 Pointz? Represent Santander!

Lava still doing his thing...

The man, MeresOne's one liner...

CE and GOAL killing it...
And of course, all of this needed a nice cover...

1 comment:

  1. Tioo se te va de las manos ese balckbook, sobre todo el de CE, que canteo puto
