I've been working on this store front this week, I'm not sure I feel the design much, but it is what the guy asked for...It'll get repainted this christmas... The store opening will feature canvas' painted by me and Taken...anyway, check it out, a before-after kind of thing going on with the pics...enjoy!
I know I said that I'd post on a daily basis, but having to paint for 13 hours straight doesn't get you in the best mood for posting on a blog...but I will give you this: I have pictures, lots of them, they'll be posted shortly.
I've been thinking...Too much time passes between one post and another, so I'm going to try and do the following; a post a day. Whether its a video, a random picture or just a thought, I want to post daily, I want to get a little more serious about this whole blogging deal.
today, I'll probably put up a couple of posts, for now, I¡ll leave you with this video I found, the artist has a great deal of talent... watch the video and see for yourself...
Tired of painting for other people and other names, today I decided to do a little of something for myself... I'll get a better pic of the whole wall with Taken's piece tomorrow. Enjoy.
I watched this video a few months ago, fount it to be really interesting, but I never bookmarked it. I just came across it again, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
The project is pretty cool, but I'm not sure how I feel about KR's part in it...although I do love his work, it just doesn't fit...at least that's how I feel...
I know, I know, it's been a long time, I need to post some new stuff and trust me, its coming, sit tight, for now, just some videos I've come across...
love the letters, love the skill, love the project...