Friday, November 19, 2010


In a few days I will hopefully have less to do and be able to put up more pictures, including some paintings I have been working on!

faith of graffiti

Do not even think about rolling over this video and not checking it. For your own good.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Deus and Askew

Ran into this... I knew Askew was amazing and into making videos but this blew my mind.Great art quality, good song. Check it out.

Deus and Askew


I forgot! I picked up one of these limited edition cans when I painted at 5 pointz. Thought they were pretty cool!

One more for the collection...

Guestbook vol.1 Blackbook Nº ??

A writers most prized possession is his black book. The first black book I ever got was a gift from my great friend ASE 312 which I treasure enormously. If you look at it now, all you will see is a battered, beat up old book. But it is full of my first sketches, first acquaintances and a few lines ASE personally dropped.

Since then, I have gone through six or seven black books easily. I stock up on them and start tearing through them whenever I have time. In many of them I have tags from people I have met all over the world (Spain, France, Belgium, USA, Germany, Brazil...) so I decided that these people needed their own book, their own place to write their name and not get mixed up with my stuff.

I started the "guestbook"... and looks like its coming along pretty well..

My man "CE" holding down UK Clan...


Rounds UK Clan

CE again

The infamous AuksOne holding down the X-Men crew. (This guy just threw up an impressive mural at Check the flics out at:

Who would have said that I'd find a fellow Spaniard painting at 5 Pointz? Represent Santander!

Lava still doing his thing...

The man, MeresOne's one liner...

CE and GOAL killing it...
And of course, all of this needed a nice cover...