Sunday, October 24, 2010

5 Pointz

Painting at 5 Pointz was a huge deal for me. I have always had an attraction to bombed out buildings, but 5 Points was something new, something different. It was everything, the people, the graffiti, the style. I had chills running up and down my back all day long.

I wanted to throw something up that would attract people's attention, so I went to buy paint. I went to the world famous scrapyard and was amazed at the lack of everything they had. They had no black, no alien cans at all, an extremely small selection of 94. I was told by the manager that it was a bad weekend to buy paint, much of it had gone already to the Meeting of Style's writers.

So I grabbed a few cans, got robbed of my money for the paint (I'm used to paing 2-3 euroes for a can in Madrid) and went back to five points, after all, it would be worth it, and fuck, I WAS GOING TO PAINT AT THE MEETING OF STYLES IN NYC @ 5 POINTZ. I had to stop complaining.

I got there, took out my cans and began to think about what to throw up, I took a few walks around the building to see what other people were doing and decided to go to my recent style developed before getting over here. I had seen nothing that even resembled it so I guess it couldn't be that bad...right?

I painted with Auks One, under some harsh sun and scorching heat, he totally killed the wall, I was amazed, I knew the guy was good, but damn, his style blew me away. It was a pleasure painting by his side, hopefully we can do it again sometime soon.

Enjoy the pics!

Look at that style...

The building is beautiful...

I'd like to thank Meres for letting me paint at this incredible event, getting props from him "for the static effect" on my piece made me really get excited. Also, I'd like to shout out to Auks One, again, it was a pleasure painting with you.

CE and the whole UK clan, thats whats up, really dope meeting you out there, Lava, Fearo... And lastly, thank you Andres, and Clot for the pictures and for the support you guys showed out there.

The piece goes out to Taken, Feño and Ase, wish you guys could've made it out there.

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